Hadiza Mali Bukar (PhD)


This study examined challenges of peace building strategies used by Non-governmental organization in mitigating the effect of Boko Haram crises in Northeast Nigeria. The study employed secondary data obtained through Journals, articles, newspaper, text books etc were used to collect and present findings. Findings revealed that Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are doing even more peace building activities than any official governmental agencies. In many of the areas in Northeast, they have a long term presence that are afflicted with intractable conflicts in the region. Based on these findings, International partners are currently working with Nigerian authorities to establish databases that will help government agencies capture and share information about all individuals processed through the system including in the initial screening phase, The hope is that such a database will also help speed up and improve the verification of information provided by detainees; government must ensure greater policy coherence: a strategy aimed at rehabilitating defectors will have limited impact as long as the military detains thousands of suspects with only tenuous ties to Boko Haram. 


Challenges, Strategies, Peace Building, Rehabilitation and Strategies Detainees

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