The paper examined the impact of training and motivation on employees’ performance on call-centres employees in Ilorin West local government area of Kwara state. Data was derived from primary and secondary methods. Primary data sources in this case involved the use of questionnaire while the secondary data were collected from existing literature relevant to the study. The population of the study was 720 while the sample size was 400 based on the Taro and Yamane formulae. 400 copies of the questionnaire were administered but 371 copies were filled, returned and analysed. The study reaffirmed the important roles of training and motivation of staff in the emerging call centres in Ilorin. The study also affirmed that employees remain the most important assets in call centre companies because a skilful workforce without the necessary motivation is prone to failure. The study recommended a graduated reward system that prioritizes performance on a monthly basis; there should be job training for employees that will help the employees learn more about work ethics, human relations and the need for safety at the workplace and developmental training outside the office environment or location will further boost the motivation of workers in call centres in Ilorin West Local Government area of Kwara State.
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