Presently, Abia State College of Education (Technical) Arochukwu, maintains a manual employee information system. The manual employee information system is costly, time consuming and cumbersome compared to computerize one. Hence, the researchers present the design and development of a web-based employee information for Abia State College of Education (Technical) Arochukwu. The developmental process of the web-based system began with the examination of the existing manual system. This was followed by system analysis which culminated into both functional and non-functional requirements. The web-based architectural design followed client-server architecture with three tiers of presentation, application and database. Microsoft visual studio, XAMPP, phpMyAdmin and fireworks tools were used as development tools. The web-based system was implemented using html, PHP, CSS and Javascript web technologies. Admin using the developed web-based employee information system can add, view, update, delete and print employee records. Employee on the other hand can view and print his or her records. Visitors however can only view information about the College and contact information respectively. The developed web-based system was tested by some staff of the College using real data. Thereafter, a questionnaire designed to measure user’s satisfaction with the use of the developed web-based system was administered to the staff of the College participated in the testing and evaluation exercise. The data collected were then analyzed. The result of the analysis shows that the participating staff are satisfied with the performance of the developed web-based employee information system. The participating staff then recommends the usage of the web-based employee information system in the College.
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Retrieved on 15th August,2020.
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ISSN: 3027-0510 (Online)
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