Ngozi Gloria Adunchezor


The effect of Harlem Renaissance on the African-American community and the world at large cannot be overemphasised. The movement came as a result of the marginalisation between the whites and the blacks. This paper aims at proving the value and recognition posed by the authors of the Harlem Renaissance on African- Americans and the entire black race through their themes, settings, language, subject matter and style, using research materials from libraries, research journals, published books, information from the internet and anthologies containing all the poems of Langston Hughes and Claude McKay analysed in this research work. This research work shows explicitly the positive effects of the activists and writers of the Harlem Renaissance and how they used their works to fight for the African-Americans thereby boosting their confidence and giving them the literary power to find their voice, the voice which is still used today for the safeguarding of their rights and recognition of their literary prowess.


Harlem Rennaissance, Africa American, Black Race, Alienation and Racism

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