Despite many studies on the dynamics of yam production, cost-return analysis among the Igbos have not received due attention. This paper examined yam production cost and sales revenue among cooperative farmers in Anambra State, Nigeria. The marginal productivity theory served as the theoretical framework. Descriptive survey design was adopted and sample size of 400 was generated using Taro Yamane formula. Multi-stage sampling technique was used in selecting respondents. The major instrument for data collection was structured questionnaire. Data were analysed using frequency, percentage, mean score and multiple regression analysis. The results revealed that yam farmers coefficient operating ratio and return on investment were 1.66 and 1.67 (1.67 > 1), respectively. This suggests that they were operating on loss and not making profit. The hypothesis result showed that there is a negative but significant relationship between yam production cost and sales revenue among cooperative farmers in Anambra State. This paper concluded that the high operating cost of yam production has led to low returns among the cooperative farmers. It was recommended among others that cooperative societies should help their members to make cost analysis before embarking on farming projects. This will enable them to understand what it will take to make desired returns.
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ISSN: 3027-0510 (Online)
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