The study examined state and management of conflict in Africa: implications for national reconciliation and development in Somalia. The study was guided by two objectives and guided by the political development theory of Lucian Pye. The study adopted ex-post facto research design and relied on secondary sources of data such as text books, journals and Internet materials. The data generated were examined and analyzed using ethnographic descriptive technique, and from there conclusion was reached. The findings showed that the war created suspicion among the populace and there was lack of trust on the government. It further showed that in addition to large refugees and migrants most youths had been radicalized by the armed groups, and many people had severely suffered as a result of the war. Based on the findings the study recommended that, the issue of reconciliation should be properly addressed by the government to ensure tolerance, trauma healing and transparent leadership necessary for development. Somalia’s government should give consideration for humanitarian reliefs to communities and persons that had suffered severely from the conflict. International organizations particularly, the African Union and the United Nations should support the government by assisting refugees and displaced persons to return home for productive life. It also recommended that the government should embark on de-radicalization of children and youths who were members of armed groups, and to demobilize and reintegrate combatants into peaceful and productive society. Through this means the armed groups would be denied the ideological victory they seek, and for development to take place.
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