Gbenemene Kpae (PhD), Comfort Nwideeduh


The smooth running of the criminal justice system is very essential in the socio-economic development of every nation. It helps in curbing criminality and the maintenance of law and order in society. However, where the criminal justice system is dysfunctional, anarchy and lawlessness rather than rule of law becomes the order of the day, and that seems to be the situation in Nigeria today. The prevalence of violent crimes such as street crimes, cultism, militancy, and terrorism has made lives and property insecure, and the criminal justice system seems overwhelmed to contain the situation. The Nigerian criminal justice system has been plagued by several problems particularly issues relating to prison overcrowding, unlawful detention, corruption, extra-judicial killing, and human rights abuses. These violations have diminished public trust in the criminal justice system, especially the police force, and have affected the institution in the discharge of its responsibility of crime control. In an effort to make the criminal justice system more effective in tackling Nigerian security challenges, governments have set up various reforms committees, Unfortunately, many of the recommendations and white papers from these panels have remained without implementations. This paper focuses on the criminal justice reforms that were introduced since the return of democratic government in 1999.We recommend an implementation of reports of reformation of the criminal justice system as a way of decongesting the prison, making the police more efficient, and to eliminate delay in administration of justice.


Political economy, criminal justice system, reform, Nigeria

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ISSN: 3027-0510 (Online)




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