Moses Obeten Bassey, Idorenyin Edidiong Umoh


The objective of this study was to examine  the application of emerging technologies in the era of Covid-19 era and the effective management of tertiary education in Cross River State, Nigeria. The ex-post facto research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study comprised all administrative staff in the four public tertiary institutions in Cross River State. The total population stood at 1902 drawn from the four tertiary institutions in the state. Taro Yamane and proportionate sampling procedure was used to sample 330 which represent 17.4% of the entire population of the study. Further breakdown shows Unical with 139 out of 802, Unicross 89 out of 516, FCE Obudu 56 out of 322 and COE Akamkpa 46 out of 262. One research question and one hypothesis was formulated and tested using Simple Linear Regression at .05 level of significance. The questionnaire was the major instrument of data collection. It consists of three sections, A elicited demographic data of respondents, B measured application of emerging technologies, while the C section measured effective management of tertiary education. Findings revealed that emerging technologies significantly predict effective management of tertiary education in the Covid-19 era in Cross River State. It was recommended among other things that managements should encourage the use of innovative technology for the effective service delivery.


Emerging Technologies, Covid-19, Management of tertiary education

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