Adeyinka W. Olarinmoye, Joshua E. Edet


The incidence of crime exists in parallel with human existence. However, studies have shown its rising both in frequency and in intensity as well as occurring in different dynamics. This study added to such research work by adopting a sociological paradigm into the investigation of crime within a different context (study area). This research, within the interpretive perspective, attempts to understand the various crimes that occur, the time as well as location of occurrence and the method for preventing such crimes. To achieve this, a qualitative approach was adopted and in-depth interview was conducted for 20 participants who were purposefully selected within the study population. The responses from such interviews were contently analysed and themes were identified. Findings indicated more of crime against a person than property crime. Equally, streets happen to be the location with the highest crime rate. Different crime preventing method was discovered. Also, it is advised to be cautious during the daily routine activities, – places and time. Provision of employment as well as the reorientation of the youths is vital in reducing crime. This knowledge will assist in guiding individual daily routine, improve crime prevention and enlighten policy actions for a better society. In as much as this research has discovered certain aspect of crime, especially within the study area, there is still need for the application of different research approach for a better understanding.


crime, crime prevention, crime prevention method, crime deterrence, spatial and temporal analysis

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