Edwin Lionel Diala (PhD), Ngozi Ezeribe, Cecilia C. Oguamanam


Counselling has significant role to play in bringing out a notable change in people’s personal life. It has created a number of roles in the domains of education. As human problems are mushrooming day by day in this hi-tech world, there is a dire need for finding solutions to those problems. It is counselling comes to the aid of resolving human problems and finding solutions to those problems that are psychological and personal. In English language teaching and learning, several problems are encountered by teachers and students during teaching and learning. The purpose of the study therefore was to examine the role of Integrating Counselling in English Language Teaching and learning in senior secondary school in Imo State to enhance student academic performance in secondary schools. The study was guided by humanistic theory of Albert Bandura (1995) social learning model. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. Population of study was 200 teachers in 20 schools. Simple random sampling was used to select teachers. The instruments used to collect data for the study were questionnaires. The study reliability coefficient of 0.81 was obtained. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics such as mean scores and summary tables. This paper therefore examines how counselling is necessary to English Language Teaching and finding remedies to the problems faced by English language learners. Examining the relevance of counselling to English language teaching and learning, it also highlights the benefits of integrating it with English language teaching and learning. It provides need for introspection of English language teachers to make available counselling to students. It details various counselling skills, and provides an account of problem-solving method in English language teaching and learning, and approaches to counselling. 


Counselling, English language, Learning, Problem-Solving Method, Teaching.

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Copyright (c) 2023 Edwin Lionel Diala (PhD), Ngozi Ezeribe, Cecilia C. Oguamanam



ISSN: 3027-0510 (Online)




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