The paper was extracted from an institutional based research report on gender sensitive situation analysis on gender and girl-child access to education in Sokoto State. The paper assessed Gender Inequality and Girl-child Education Enrolment into formal schooling in Sokoto State. Gender inequality rooted in the preferential treatment and enrolment of males over females was visibly observed and established in Sokoto State. The causes of such inequality were found to be varied and are classified into socio-cultural, economic, and institutional. The study provided answer on the causes of gender inequality in education enrolment in Sokoto State. The study employed a mixed research methodology using quantitative and qualitative methods in generating data for the study. 1,283 Questionnaires were distributed to relevant stakeholders while 12 In-depth Interviews and Key Informant Interviews were conducted with officials of the Agency for Female Education, and the Ministry of Education as well as with the officials of the selected schools and Focus Group Discussions conducted with female adolescents. A purposive sampling procedure was adopted in the selection of respondents. Qualitative findings from the study were analyzed thematically while the quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Based on the findings, the study discovered that certain socio-cultural factors hinder female education which includes culture, religious misinterpretations, preference for early marriage and the perceived outcome of the educational and economic labor force as it relates to the employment vacuum created. The study recommended huge financial support to females who complete tertiary education while getting married.
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ISSN: 3027-0510 (Online)
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