As menstrual hygiene issues have continued to gain prominence across the globe, this work examined the extent of exposure and medium of exposure to menstrual hygiene information among women in south East, Nigeria. This study adopted a mixed research of both quantitative and qualitative designs involving the ‘survey’, and ‘Focus Group Discussion’. Survey was used to determine the women’s exposure to menstrual hygiene information. Focus Group discussion on the other hand, helped gain insights into their shared understandings and interpretations regarding this exposure. For the survey, multi stage probability sampling technique was employed to sample a total of 663 respondents, with 5% error margin and 99% confidence level, derived from the sample size table worked out by Krejcie and Morgan (1970), while purposive sampling was employed for the FGD. The study was anchored on the health belief model to argue that women in South East, Nigeria who are exposed to menstrual hygiene information have perceived chances of developing favourable or positive behavioural conditions. The study found that menstrual hygiene information is popular among the women in south east Nigeria but these information are still insufficient as lack of Information on Menstrual hygiene could result in Poor Menstrual hygiene which may pose some threats or health risks such as reproductive and urinary tract infections, among others. Although many of them already have some foundational knowledge on how to effectively manage their menstrual hygiene, they hardly wish to openly debate or discuss their menstrual health which they occasionally obtain through interpersonal communication/word of mouth, Internet/New media, and stories on any form of print literature. This work concludes that exposure to menstrual hygiene information among women in south east is widespread but the attention they give to such information is relatively minimal. The study recommends among others, that relevant institutions in Nigeria should provide sufficient educational contents for women in their early years of menstruation. This will help them learn how to manage their menstruation effectively. The study further recommends that the government, relevant agencies and non government organizations as well as individuals can assist by proving the healthy sanitary materials for women especially the poor, and the media should assist in the campaign for menstrual hygiene.
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