Onyemaechi Uchenna, Godswill Agu Agu, Nnamdi Nwaeze


This work focused on the strategies for coping with work-life challenges. The dynamic nature of the environment in which organizations operate which has led to work-life imbalance made this investigation very necessary. The study sought to find out whether flexible work schedules have significant and positive effect on workers ability to cope with work-life challenges and to ascertain whether family leave programs significantly enhance the achievement of work-life balance. Using the survey approach, descriptive and inferential statistics (ordinal logistic regression) were applied on the responses of 75 staff of two deposit money banks (First Bank and first City Monument Bank). The results indicate that flexible work schedules do not have significant and positive effect on workers ability to cope with work-life challenges, while family leave program significantly enhances the achievement of work-life balance among bank staff in Nigeria. The study recommends that deposit money banks should adopt family leave programs in other to avail their workers the opportunity to attend to non-work related activities.


Work-life Balance, Work-life Challenges, Deposit Money Banks

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