Anthony Nduka Nwachukwu, Godwill Agu Agu


This study examined the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on marketing performance (MP) of a road transportation company-Associated Bus Company (ABC Transport) PLC Nigeria. Data were generated from the company's internal and annual reports from 2009 to 2015. Using SPSS version 21, stated hypotheses were tested with multiple regression analysis. The findings revealed that there is a significant and positive relationship between CSR and marketing performance. Further analysis shows that CSR does not significantly predict profitability and sales growth of the company, but predicts market share significantly. Based on these, the study recommends among others, that Companies should be consistent in the implementation of their CSR projects given the positive impact such projects have on marketing performance, and that CSR should be measured based on its long run effect and not just the short run result on marketing performance.

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