Toye Manuwa (PhD)


This paper analyzes the impact of campaign finance on the outcomes of presidential and legislative elections in Nigeria. It examines how the sources, amounts, and uses of campaign funds affect the voting behavior and preferences of the electorate. The study also explores the legal and regulatory framework of campaign finance in Nigeria, as well as the challenges and opportunities for improving transparency and accountability. It uses data from related literature, texts, books and journals. The paper argues that campaign finance has a significant and positive effect on the electoral performance of candidates and parties, especially in terms of vote share, seat share, and incumbency advantage. However, it also finds that campaign finance is associated with negative consequences for the quality of democracy, such as corruption, vote-buying, violence, and lack of accountability. The paper concludes with some policy recommendations to improve the transparency and accountability of campaign finance in Nigeria. Also, the researcher recommends that there is need for Nigeria to reform its campaign finance laws and institutions to enhance disclosure, monitoring, and enforcement mechanisms, as well as to promote public funding and civic education.


campaign finance, electoral system, elections, governance and Nigeria

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