Emmanuel I. Wonah


The existence of man, apparently, is a function of the environment. This paper examined the efficacy of Environmental Policy in protecting the environment for the achievement of sustainable development in Nigeria. The paper argues that inadequate implementation of these Environmental Policies which finds expression in the behavior of the political elites negates the achievement of sustainable development in Nigeria. The paper notes that effective population growth management can facilitate sustainable development in Nigeria. The paper is set to achieve the following objectives; to show that Nigerian political elites are responsible for the inadequate implementation of Environmental Policies, to evince that effective population growth management can lead to sustainable development. The focus of this paper is guided by democratic elitism and relies on secondary sources of data. In line with the theory of democratic elitism the paper contends that the few who rule must rule with the interest of the people at heart which must be rooted in democratic values. One of the findings is that the anti democratic behaviour of the political elites hinders the achievement of sustainable development in Nigeria. The paper recommended inter alia that Nigerian political elites must uphold democratic values and promote good governance in order to achieve sustainable development. 


Environmental Policy, Sustainable Development Democratic Elitism, Population growth management Political Elites, Good Governance

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