Kingsley Uchenna Manu, Anthony Ogehchi Osuji, Adanna O. Chikezie


One of the major challenges that have faced African states since the advent of political independence has been that of establishing and sustaining appropriate governance institutions and practices that would engender democratic practices and promote sustainable development on the continent. This paper is an analysis of leadership and governance challenges in Africa. It argues that Africa’s failures have come about largely as a result of frequent leadership change, lack of ideology, policy reversal and weak institutional setups.  The paper also examines the leadership selection process in Africa and that the leadership selection process in Africa takes the imposition pattern and that African leaders have frequently come to their position with limited experience. Hence, the decline in moral and discipline caused by bad policies, eroded professional standards and ethics and weakened the system of governance. The paper lays emphasis on leadership and governance in some selected African countries.  It observes that for Africa to overcome the crises of leadership and governance in the continent, those on whom the burden of leadership will fall in the future must fully comprehend their responsibilities, duties and obligation. They must also be prepared and exposed to face the challenges of leadership in developing society, since the long term salvation of developing countries depends on the quality of its future leaders. The paper concludes that only transformational leadership that has maximum empathy for the people is required for good governance in Africa.


Leadership, Governance, Democracy, Challenges, Africa

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