Daniel Aondofa Mailumo (PhD)


Violent conflicts have progressively threatened the protection of citizens in Nigeria for a long time now and it has turned out as a big challenge to national security, it affects the citizens, economy and institutions of national importance. This threat has continually posed security challenges to vulnerable populations including displacement, destitution, rape, mutilation, seizure and harassment of people. Being an essentially important element of governance, the threat by non – state actors becomes a key factor in Nigeria’s quest for a peaceful state. The objective of this paper, therefore, is to examine the role, involvement, and contributions of non – state actors in the security architecture of Nigeria. The questions to address in the paper are; what is national security? How is national security threatened in Nigeria? What is the role of non – state actors in Nigeria’s national security? What are the prospects and future trajectories? The paper used secondary sources of data for its analysis. Finally, the paper makes recommendations that would enhance the prospects for a more efficient and secure Nigeria.


National Security; Threat; Non - State; Actors; Frustration.

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