Air transport, as one of the modern means of transportation is faced with some challenges. This study focused on the safety behavioral adaption in the aviation industry of Nigeria. The selected airlines were five in number operating in the Nigerian air space, the data for this study were sourced through questionnaire. A sample size of 400 was drawn using the taro yamen’s formula. The simple random sampling was adopted. The study adopted the diffusion of innovations theory as the theoretical framework for the study. Some performance indicators where highlighted. The study adopted the close-ended questionnaire method and also adopted a structured four point likert-scale questionnaire to elicit information from respondents. The simple percentage was used to analyze the research questions while the chi-square was used to test the hypotheses. Result of the test of hypotheses showed that the calculated chi-square X2 103, 70 and 50 were greater than the table value of 6.25. The null hypotheses were rejected and the alternate hypotheses were accepted. Findings from the study showed that the level of compliance on air safety management is very high among the selected domestic airlines. The study recommended a periodic training and retraining of Airline staff.
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