Chinyere Enefaka Okoye, Felix Chidozie (PhD)


The study examines the implementation of sustainable development goal 6 which is about ensuring universal access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene for all. Specifically, this study explains the challenges of implementing SDG 6 in Ado/Odo Ota Local Government Area in Ogun State. It looks at the importance of clean water, sanitation and hygiene in Nigeria and the LGA. Using both the quantitative and qualitative method of data collection, it studies the WASH policy and laws in Nigeria. It adopted the development theory and establishes the link between the importance of Goal 6 and sustainable development. The data for this work were gathered from both primary and the secondary sources. Structured interviews were also conducted with experts in this field. The content analysis technique was used to analyze the data gotten from the secondary source while the SPSS statistical tool was used to analyze the primary data. The findings revealed that universal access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene for all has not been fully implemented in in this locality. It also discovers that there is no development plan for the water sector hence the difficulty in implementation. Therefore, the study recommends that the government should review the existing water polices, end open defecation and ensure effective institutions. Also, there should be massive sensitization and advocacy of the residents in Ado/Odo Ota Local Government Area in Ogun State.


Water, Sanitation, Hygiene, Sustainability, Development

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Professor David Olukanni, Faculty Member, Covenant University, Ota, Department of Civil Engineering

Professor David Omole, Faculty Member, Covenant University, Ota, Department of Civil Engineering

Dr. Muyiwa Oladosu, Faculty Member, Covenant University, Ota, Consultant and Research Analyst

Mr. Adebayo Alao , Head of Services, WaterAid Nigeria

Engr. Adesanwo , Consultant to European Union on Water and Sanitation (Ogun State Water Corporation)


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