Udeme Okon Efanga, Mary Majiyebo Bob Alli, J. C. Ihemeje, Ezekiel Olukayode Adeleke


Gender equality in the workplace adds value to a company’s bottom line due to the different viewpoints and background of diverse individuals. Gender diversity represents a more equal proportion of men and women. The paper looked at Gender Discrimination and employment Opportunities in Nigerian manufacturing companies. The study employed survey research design, the instrument of Likert scale questionnaire and multiple regression analysis as methods of investigation. The paper discovered that gender has a positive and significant effect on employment opportunities, age and educational level are is a significant predictor of employment opportunities, educational level. The work recommended that organizations should continue to promote equal employment opportunity of carrier growth for all genders, encourage employment made-up of different age group and ensure that people with right mixture of qualification are employed based on their individual qualification.


Gender equality, manufacturing companies, gender discrimination, age, educational level and employment opportunities.

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