C. Ihunwo, S. A. Okodudu, S. A. Wordu


The study examined the relationship between traditional burial rites and land disputes in Ikwerre society using qualitative and quantitative methods.  The population consisted of four thousand and seventy-three (473). A sample size of four hundred (400) was drawn from this population using the Taro Yamane formula. Stratified and multistage sampling techniques were used. A total of ten Focus Group Discussions were carried out in the target communities. The univariate data were analyzed using simple percentages. The qualitative data were transcribed and presented thematically based on research objectives. The qualitative and quantitative results revealed that traditional burial rites have a significant relationship with land disputes, hence, generating communal conflict in Ikwerre society. The study recommends that traditional burial rites should be controlled and supervised by government agencies such as the court where restrictions can be placed on excessive burial rites while awareness creation should be done in churches and in the communities on the implication of this obnoxious practice that encourages these practices.

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