Emmanuel Alphonsus Umoh, Biradawa Kayadi, Inyime Emmanuel Umoh, Udeme Okon Efanga


The main objective of this study was to investigate the impact of digital finance technologies on agricbusiness development in Nigeria between 2001 and 2019. The design adopted for this study was ex-post-facto; data used for analysis were elicited from Central Bank Statistical Bulletin. To achieve this objective, a model was formulated based on empirical and theoretical reviews. The model used credit to agric sector in Nigeria as proxy for agricbusiness (dependent variable), while the various digital finance technology platforms such as point of sales payment system, mobile money payment system and automated teller machine payment system as proxy for digital finance technologies (independent variables). This study employed Auto Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) Model to analyze data, other diagnostic tests such as; test of Normality, Serial correlation, Auto correlation test, Ramsey reset test and Heteroskedasticity test and they confirmed the validity and reliability of the model employed; the inferential results suggested that both point of sales payment system and mobile money payment systems had positives impact on agricbusinesses in Nigeria, while automated teller machine payment system had a negative impact on agric businesses in Nigeria. The study recommended that more financial inclusiveness in the rural and agricultural dominated areas in Nigeria should be encouraged and enhanced for sustainable impact of digital finance technologies on agricbusiness in Nigeria.


digital finance services, agricbusiness, point of sales, automated teller machine, mobile money, payment systems and credit to agric sector.

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