Tobias Obiora Ozor


This study investigated the influence of locality on altruistic behaviour among teachers. Four hundred and eighty (480) secondary school teachers (275 from the urban and 205 from the rural) who were present in their duty posts and agreed to participate in this study were used. They were drawn from seven secondary schools in Enugu North (Urban) and another seven secondary schools in Igbo-Etiti (rural), Local Government Areas in Enugu State of Nigeria. The Self-Report Altruism (SRA) Scale developed by Rushton, Chrisjohn and Fekken (1981) and validated for use in Nigeria by the researcher was used in measuring the teachers’ altruistic behaviour. The design used was a cross-sectional survey design, while a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used for statistical analysis of data generated. The result indicated a significant locality main effect F (1,472) = 17.31, p<.001. This shows that teachers in the rural areas were more altruistic than the teachers in the urban areas, thereby rejecting the null hypothesis which stated that there will be no significant influence of locality on altruistic behaviour among teachers. It was recommended that attention be given to the development and sustenance of altruistic behaviours especially in urban areas in Nigerian to discourage individualism currently ravaging the nation.


Locality and altruistic behaviour

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