Gender issues are features in the development of the society. This study reveals that the African environment is patriarchal and polygamous in nature, also colonialized oppression through slavery. African women are self-sacrificing, hardworking and successful. The emergency of Feminism theory has generated a serious arguement as a result of inadequacies in Feminism; womanism which is an African-American variant was created. Womanism asserts and illustrates the interpretation of Black female experiences globally. Although most African women have recognized with womanism, this study therefore, determines the extent womanism defines the indigenous African women’s experiences, understandings, knowledge and perception. It explores the different positions of female African literary achievers. The study highlights several principles for an actually indigenous African womanist position. The study further looks at the practical approachs of practicing African womaism to provide practical gains for African man and woman, and also to play appropriate as a tool for evaluating works by literary writers in Nigeria principally and Africa in general.
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