F. O. Nwankwo (PhD), George M. D. Sotonye, Abbas O. Opeyemi


In many riverine areas, fish farming is not a new venture, but the challenge is to meet the fish demand for people. The study examined profitability of fish production among members of cooperative societies in Okrika Local government area of Rivers State, Nigeria. Two hypotheses that were formulated in line with the study specific objectives and research questions guided the study. The theoretical anchor of the study is on collaboration theory. The descriptive survey design guided the study and questionnaire was the major instrument of data collection. Data obtained were analysed using descriptive analytical tools like frequency tables, averages, percentages, scale analysis. The findings revealed that there was a weak but significant correlation (r=0.219; significant @ .001) between years of cooperative membership and fishing investments. Again, there was a modest correlation (r=0.513; significant @ .001) between fish revenue and net returns. The study concluded that there is a significant relationship between years of cooperative membership and investments in fishing years by fishers, as well as between fish revenue and net returns. Therefore, the study recommends amongst others, that cooperatives should assist members in the marketing and/or disposal of the fish caught so as to obtain competitive bargains from fish consumers, especially in the urban centres.


Profitability, investment return and investment cost

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ISSN: 3027-0510 (Online)




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