Amaka Juliet Moneke, Uche Victor Ebeze (PhD), Ekene Godfrey Okafor (PhD)


Given the perceived effects of poor menstrual hygiene on women and the society, this work examined the response to menstrual hygiene information among pre-menopausal women in South East, Nigeria. The study examined the response of the women to menstrual hygiene information and the extent to which they comply with such information. The study is anchored on the Uses and Gratifications theory, based on the premise that women who are exposed to menstrual hygiene information may use the messages to satisfy a variety of health needs and gratifications. The study utilized a mixed approach of both the quantitative and qualitative designs involving the Survey and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The multi stage probability sampling and purposive sampling techniques were used. The study revealed that many of the women (84.2%) were not influenced by menstrual hygiene information received, suggesting that some of the women are already practicing general body hygiene principles including menstrual hygiene. The study also found that many of the women do not perceive the messages on menstrual hygiene as sufficient to bring about a positive behaviour change (84.2%), implying that some cultural and socio-economic factors influence how they negotiate or accept the information. This work concludes that the attention they give to such information is relatively minimal. The study also concludes that many women do not pay sufficient attention to information on menstrual hygiene, perhaps owing several socio-cultural and environmental variations and these have continued to affect the health of the Nigerian society. The study recommends among others, that mothers and care givers should play an advisory role to female children by teaching them how to safely manage their menstrual cycles and that the women affairs’ ministries and establishments in various Federal and State levels should engage in more open advocacy of menstrual hygiene practices and assist women with information and materials on how to manage their menstrual cycles effectively.


Response, menstrual Information, menstrual hygiene, menstrual hygiene information

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