Ikpechukwuka Ibenekwu, Lilian N. Odo, Christian C. Iyiani (PhD)


The Economic Community of West African States originally established in 1975 by its fifteen member West African states was initially set up to promote cooperation and development in diverse economic facets among its members in order to enhance; better living conditions for its citizens and improved interstate relations. However, persistent internal threats of insecurity and conflicts in many of the member states including; Liberia, Sierra Leone, Cote d’Ivoire, Burkina Faso and Guinea Bissau prompted the organization to delve into security matters in the region. Many years after this move, this paper, relying on the liberal feminism theory examined the repositioning of the community’s conflict resolution architecture through the inclusion of feminist peace movement. The paper showed that women have since become active and useful in promoting peace from the family to the global stage and should be involved in the ECOWAs security architecture.


Conflict resolution architecture, repositioning, Economic Community of West African States, feminist peace movement.

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