Nnana Okoi Ofem, Lazarus Bassey Abonor, Lilian Otu Ubi


This study explores the impact of women's participation in cooperative societies on their socio-economic empowerment in Calabar municipality, Cross River State, Nigeria. Three objectives were formulated, addressing the relationships between women's involvement in cooperatives and their educational level, employment status, and health. A descriptive survey research design was adopted, with a sample of 200 women drawn from the registered members of cooperative societies in Calabar Municipality. The study found significant positive relationships between women's participation in cooperative societies and their educational level, employment, and health status. The findings indicate that cooperative societies play a crucial role in promoting the socio-economic empowerment of women by enhancing educational attainment, employment opportunities, and health outcomes. The study recommends regular awareness campaigns through mass media to encourage women's active participation in cooperative societies for improved socio-economic well-being, emphasizing the transformative potential of cooperative activities in Calabar municipality.


Cooperative societies, educational level, employment, health status, socio-economic empowerment.

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