Joseph Zuobofa Opuowei (PhD)


The dangers of climate change stretching to catastrophic proportions have made it an issue of global concern and a reason for the clamour for strategies and result-oriented measures to curb, ameliorate or avert the horrendous consequences of climate change.  The huge toll on lives and property attributed to eco-catastrophe is evident in the floods, earthquakes, wildfires and the like which have ravaged many cities around the world. It has disrupted economic activities, displaced millions of people, punctuated developmental efforts and placed a huge financial burden on the government and people who have to battle with poverty and the impoverishment of national resources. This paper employed the critical analysis method to investigate the connection between poverty and climate change in Nigeria.  The study discovered that the devastating effects of drought, flooding, erosion, desertification, rising sea levels, heat stress, pests and diseases, erratic rainfall patterns, etc. are what lead to the impacts of climate change on livelihoods. In addition, the paper emphasized the necessity of Nigeria having a climate policy, the establishment of the Nigerian Climate Change Commission (NCCC), the development of a national framework for adapting to climate change, and the adoption of emerging technologies. The paper also emphasized the new function of agricultural extension in the context of managing climate risk. Additionally, the paper advocates awareness creation and sharing of successfully initiated and adaptable measures of addressing eco-catastrophe in prone areas in Nigeria


Poverty, Ecocatastrophe, climate change, Climate Policy, Climate risk

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