Okonkwo Okechukwu, PhD, Ibrahim Hassan Jimba, PhD, Miriam Nguavese Nyikyaa, PhD, Tyohen Terhile James, PhD


This study examines the effect of entrepreneurial specific characteristics on micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) access to Microfinance Bank finance (MFBs) in Nigeria. This study is quantitative in nature and it adopts correlational research design. Data was collected through a self-designed questionnaire using Google online form. The population of this study was 900 entrepreneurs who owned MSMEs in Abuja, Nigeria. Sample size of 90 was ascertained using Yamane Taro sample size technique, out of which 85 responses were received from the respondents via Google online form. An ordinal logistic regression data analysis method via Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) was used as the technique for data analysis. Findings revealed that collateral, entrepreneur’s experience, entrepreneur’s educational level and business plan have statistical significant positive relationship with MSMEs access to MFBs loans and advances in Nigeria, while business size, gender and entrepreneur’s age have a statistical insignificant negative relationship with MSMEs access to MFBs loans and advances in Nigeria. This recommends that an arm of Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria (SMEDAN) should be dedicated on training entrepreneurs on how to write business plan in other to obtain bank loan and advances.


Microfinance Banks, Business Plan, Entrepreneur’s Age, Information Asymmetry Theory

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Copyright (c) 2024 Okonkwo Okechukwu, PhD, Ibrahim Hassan Jimba, PhD, Miriam Nguavese Nyikyaa, PhD, Tyohen Terhile James, PhD



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