Ruth Ebere Ihedigbo, Pauline Chinasa Nwizu, Clement Faith Ifebuche


This research work examines the mythology of Arikpo Ezimo in Udenu Local Government Area of Enugu State. The main objectives of the research are to: examine the origin of Arikpo in Ezimo, find out the dos and don’ts of Arikpo, find out how Arikpo is appeased by erring natives and how they are forgiven and lastly investigate the functions of Arikpo to the people of Ezimo. The study adopts a descriptive survey design. The data was collected through oral interview of select Ezimo indigenes who represented the entire Ezimo people. From all the data available, the myth theory was adopted as most appropriate for data analysis. After the analysis, it was discovered that Arikpo does not kill or punish the innocent but mets its anger on those that offends it or the land of Ezimo.


Ụmị edemede

Nchọcha a lebara anya na nkọmirịkọ Arikpo Ezimo, nke bụ otu n'ime obodo dị n'okpuru ọchịchị Udenu Lọkal gọọmenti dị na steeti Enugwu. Mbunuche nchọcha a kpọmkwem bụ: ịchọpụta etu Arikpo si bịa n'Ezimo, ịchọpụta ihe Arikpo na-asọ nsọ, igosipụta etu onye mejọrọ Arikpo sị enweta mgbaghara ya na inyocha ọrụ Arikpo nye ndị Ezimo. A gbasoro usoro sọvee nkọwa wee mee nchọcha a. Odee si n'ajụjụ ọnụ o gbara ndị mmadụ ole na ole nọchitere anya ndị Ezimo niile wee nweta data. Odee nyochara atụtụ dị iche iche o jiri rụọ ọrụ na nchọcha ya kama na ọ bụ atụtụ nkọmirịkọ bụ nke dabara ọfụma n’ntụcha n'isiokwu nchọcha a. Odee tulekwara ihe ndị ọzọ dere yitere isiokwu nchọcha ya bụ nke nyere ya aka n'ime nchọcha a nke ọma. Ka a tụchachara data, a chọpụtara na Arikpo anaghị egbu onye aka ya di ọcha kama na ọ bụ onye mejọrọ ya ma ọ bụkwanụ onye mejọrọ ala Ezimo.

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Copyright (c) 2024 Ruth Ebere Ihedigbo, Pauline Chinasa Nwizu, Clement Faith Ifebuche



ISSN: 3027-0510 (Online)




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