Chikaosolu Christabel Ozochi


This study investigated the moderating role of self efficacy on the relationship between fear of negative evaluation and eyewitness testimony among Paramilitary Personnel in Enugu Metropolis. Data for the study were obtained and analyzed from two hundred and sixty-two (262) Paramilitary Personnel in Enugu Metropolis. The participants comprised one hundred and forty-two (142) females and one hundred and twenty (120) males. Multistage sampling technique (cluster sampling, purposive) was used in selecting the participants for the study. Participant’s ages ranged from 25 to 60 years with mean age as 36.27 (SD = 4.36). A questionnaire with demographic variables and three scales were used for data collection. The scales are self-efficacy scale (Gilad, et al 2001), Eyewitness metamemory scale (Saraiva, Boeijen, Hope, Horselenberg, Saverland & Koppen, 2019) and Brief fear of negative evaluation scale (Leary, 1983; 2013). Hayes process macro was used to test the predictive role of the independent variable (fear of negative evaluation ) on the dependent variable, and the moderating role of the moderator (self-efficacy). The researcher employed a correlational design with a moderated regression analysis to investigate the moderating role of self-efficacy on the relationship between fear of negative evaluation (FNE) and eyewitness testimony accuracy among paramilitary personnel. Findings indicates that both fear of negative evaluation and self-efficacy played significant roles in eyewitness testimony. And self-efficacy moderated the relationships between fear of negative evaluation and eyewitness testimony. The researcher suggests that future researchers that are interested in eyewitness testimony should examine additional aspects that may link people's eyewitness testimony, such as personality type, memory conformity, environment, and social class.

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