The study examined effects of family type and personality types on career choice of students. Participants for the study were 320undergraduate students of Godfrey Okoye University Enugu comprised 165 females and 155 males. Multistage sampling technique was used in selecting the faculties and departments while participants were drawn using simple random sampling techniques (Hand drawing). Participant’s ages ranged from 17 to 29 years with mean age as 24.71 (SD = 3.72). A questionnaire with demographic variables and two scales were used for data collection. The scales include Jenkins Activity Survey (JAS) (Jenkins et al., 2001)and Career Development Inventory (CDI) (Thompson, et al., 1981).A 2x2 factorial design was adopted. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to test the effects of the independent variables (family type and personality traits) on the dependent variable (career choice of students).The study found that both family type F(1, 317) = .12, p<.05,and personality traits F(1, 317) = 2.98, p<.05have significant effect on career choice of students. Similarly, there was significant interaction effect of family type and personality traits on career choice of students F(1, 317) = .09, p>.05. The implications of the findings are that both family type and personality traits of students have been identified as potential factor in explaining their career choice. Similarly, type A personality trait is identified as a boost to students from both nuclear and polygamous families to better have career choice. Limitations, suggestions and conclusion were equally made.
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