This study investigated the extent of use of ICT by trainee counsellors during fieldwork counselling practicum exercise. Three research questions guided the study. The research adopted a survey research design. The target population of the study include all trainee counsellors in all eighteen (18) government owned counsellor educator institutions in South East Nigeria. In this wise, for ease of access, the researchers employed Purposive Sampling technique during selection and administration process, from which five institutions were selected and 210 trainee counsellors were drawn. The instrument for data collection is a researcher structured questionnaire titled “Use of ICT by Trainee Counsellors on Fieldwork Practicum Exercise” (UICTCFPE). The response pattern adopted for the instrument is a 4-point likert scale, which was further divided into four sections. The validation, both in face and content were established by lecturers in Counselling and Measurement & Evaluation. The reliability of the instrument was established using Cronbach Alpha which yielded a reliability coefficient of 0.75. The instrument for data collection was administered by the researchers. The method of data analysis adopted is the Mean statistics. Results revealed that audio devices used to a very low extent by trainee counsellors during fieldwork counselling practicum exercise are CD & DVD burner, camcorder and digital camera; Visual devices used by trainee counsellors to a low extent are computer disc, CD & DVD player and projector; While mobile/smart phone and computer (laptop and desktop) are audio-visual devices used to a very high extent by trainee counsellors during fieldwork counselling practicum exercise. Drawing from the results, counsellor educators should be sufficiently trained in the use of audio, visual and audio-visual devices and make them accessible to their trainee counsellors during micro counselling exercise, to help acquaint them to the use of these ICT devices before they embark on their fieldwork counselling practicum exercise.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Charles Ngozi Ugwuegbulam, PhD, Nkiruka Elizabeth Okezie, PhD, Ngozi Joy Maduka, PhD, Ngozi Damasius Duru, PhD
ISSN: 3027-0510 (Online)
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