Ochoga Edwin Ochoga, Victor Lukpata (PhD)


The international system has, over the years witnessed certain developments at the political, economic and social levels that in one way or the other triggered acts which have been identified as terrorism orchestrated by Non-State Actors. It is on this note that this paper interrogates the implications of Violent Non State Actors on global peace, with specific focus on how the multilateralism mechanism of the United Nations has curtailed terrorism trend of Violent Non State Actors. The paper discovers that terrorist sects have negative impact on globe peace. In fact, it is argued that the activities of the Violent Non State Actors such as terrorist organizations in recent times, have shaped the domestic and foreign policy directions of many countries. It is among other things recommended that the United Nations (UN) should pursue international strategy for counter-terrorism with sustained collaboration. 


Violent Non-State Actors, Terrorism, United Nations, Global Peace

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