One of the greatest challenges facing the Nigeria economy is unemployment which has maintained a rising trend over the years.The youth population of any nation represents the driving force for development. However, for the youths to become useful resources, they must be gainfully employed. The youths are also the most volatile when their energies are misdirected or channeled into wrong endeavours. Unemployed refers to people who are willing and a capable of work but are unable to find suitable paid employment.Available data show that youth unemployment is very rampant in Nigeria and this has contributed immensely to their involvement in criminal activities or social vices. The general objective of this study is to identify the causes of youth unemployment and assess the relationship if any between youth unemployment and social vices in the study area.The paper argues that social vices such as armed robbery, kidnapping, political thuggery, prostitution, drug abuse, exams malpractice and other criminal activities found among the unemployed and jobless youths in the countryhave contributed greatly to the slow pace of development in Nigeria.This paper undertakes a theoretical grinding of critical issues under study, adopting a review of periodic publications, journals and related secondary materials. Hence, the researcher used qualitative method in the study. The study revealed that, there were many causes of youth unemployment and that, social vices are also related to the effect of unemployment. The study also revealed that addressing youths’ unemployment will stem the tide of social vices and foster rapid development in Nigeria.
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