Joseph Adekunle Bamidele (PhD)


The paper made an attempt to look at the effects of the recently introduced regional security outfit and governance structure in Nigeria. The paper relies essentially on secondary source of data in writing the paper. There are stretches of roads running to several kilometres or more and there are no towns located especially in the far North Eastern parts of Nigeria. The Police seem incapable of maintaining security on our streets in most part of the country. There is hardly any day without newspaper report of one crime or the other. It is either kidnapping, armed banditry, raping on the high ways, bank robbery, incessant killings and raids on villages and several social vices in the country. The paper critically examined the operational structure and implications of national security management in Nigeria using the theoretical framework of twin theories of relational cohesion and community participation. The paper argued that the centralized security system in the country has failed and it embodies dysfunctional systemic implications that perpetuate violence and insecurity. In line with the theory of relational cohesion and community participation, the paper identified the individuals as the centerpiece from where the household, community, the local government area, the State and the Federation evolve and revolve as security network. Accordingly, it emphasizes the need for decentralization of the police and other state-owned agencies of internal security management in order to mitigate the upsurge in crime and violence including those emanating from armed robbers, political assassins, ransom kidnappers, oil thieves, and armed banditry among others. The Boko Haram terrorist and their activities remained unabated within the North East and some parts of the North West. The paper believes that with the assistance and introduction of State Police or Regional Security outfit, the insecurity experienced in the country may be reduced or abated. It also believed that if properly channeled and implemented to the rules and guidelines followed to the letter, the regional security outfit will solve some of the security problem in Nigeria if not eradicated. The paper concludes that, Nigeria should pursue the option of restructuring for now if it hopes to remain as an indivisible country and the regional security outfit should be allowed to be in operation viz-a-viz the Nigeria police to enhance sustainable development in the country


Security, Insecurity, Governance, Sustainable Development, Regional and State Police.

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